Towards personalized and precision medicine in cognitive disorders: Ruling out Alzheimer’s pathology in patients with clinical suspicion of Alzheimer’s disease.


  • Ιωάννα Τσαντζαλή
  • Βασίλειος Κωνσταντινίδης
  • Αθανασία Αθανασάκη
  • Στέλλα Φανουράκη
  • Φωτεινή Μπουφίδου
  • Σωτήριος Παρασκευάς
  • Χρήστος Κρούπης
  • Αναστάσιος Μπονάκης
  • Γεώργιος Τσιβγούλης
  • Ελισσάβετ Καπάκη
  • Γεώργιος Παρασκευάς


Clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) may not be easy in everyday practice, either due to atypical presentations of AD, or due to amnestic-like presentations of non-AD cognitive disorders. We present 4 patients with clinical suspicion of AD presence, 2 of them with amnestic mild cognitive impairment, one with amnestic dementia and one with primary progressive aphasia of the logopenic type. The first three patients had significant atrophy of medial temporal lobe. However, classical cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers, revealed a non-AD profile in all four. Classical CSF biomarkers may serve as a significant tool, helpful not only for confirming the presence of AD, but also for excluding AD in cases with such a clinical suspicion. This may be significant when new, disease—modifying treatments are considered for the treatment of such patients.  






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