
  • S. Matsoukas
  • D. Dellaporta
  • M. Tsolaki


Homocysteine, leukoencephalopathy


The goal of this review/study is to examine the toxic results of Hyperhomocysteinemia (Hhcy); especially the association between Hyperhomocysteinemia and Leukoencephalopathy. For this reason, the database PubMed was searched for English language publications with the key words “Homocysteine” and “Leukoencephalopathy”. According to Biochemistry there are 5 main reasons inducing Hhcy: 1) Deficiency of Methionine Synthase, 2) Deficiency of MTHFR (MTHF Reductase), 3) Deficiency of B12, 4) Deficiency of Folic Acid and 5) Deficiency of enzymes in the synthesis pathway of cysteine (e.g. cystathionine synthase). Nowadays, it is widely accepted that there is a high degree of correlation between Hhcy and Vascular Disease, Alzheimer Disease, Cerebrovascular Disease and other neuropsychiatric disorders. As new researches indicate, there is a possible association between Hhcy and Leukoencephalopathy, as it has been noticed in patients with CADASIL. Even more, Leukoencephalopathy has been noticed in people with one of the above 5 metabolism disorders that also had Hhcy. All of these disease associations are thought to be interrelated via increased homocysteine and S-adenosylhomocysteine and subsequent hypomethylation of numerous substances, including DNA and proteins, that render vascular structures and neurons more susceptible to damage and apoptosis. Providing the nutritional cofactors for proper functioning of the methionine cycle may improve methylation and protect the brain from damage. Furthermore, hyperhomocysteinemia is a strong independent risk factor for Subcortical Vascular Encephalopathy (SVE).

