
  • Zoe Theofilakou
  • Victoria Zakopoulou
  • Grigorios Nasios


cognitive functions, attention, intraindividual variability, aphasia


According to the classic theory, aphasia is characterized by lingual deficits. However, modern research focuses more in the identification of latent cognitive aspects, besides the language, that are potentially related to aphasia. More specifically, modern scientific data underline the dysfunction of attention as an important risk parameter for rapid rate of cognitive and lingual decline in aphasia. On the contrary, there is an attitude supporting that the nature of the relation between attention and lingual abilities is of minor importance in aphasia, constituting their relation clarification as more complicated. However, the above conclusions are drawn by results based on the median attribution and on grouped typical deviations overlooking the important factor of intraindividual variability (IIV). The aim of this study is the literature review in order to examine a) the contribution of attention to aphasia, b) the measurement of intraindividual variability and c) the contribution of the study of attention in IIV during the assessment and recovery of patience with aphasia. Continuing, through a wide frame of research data, the definition and descripted aspects of IIV are examined and the reasons for which extensive study is necessary are presented. Summarizing the review, the literature that refers to the role of attention in aphasia under the aspects of IIV is examined. Concluding, the identification of IIV in the discrete aspects of attention can aid in personalized assessment and therapeutic intervention, thereby maximizing long-term patient improvement.

